Quick Coffee for the coffee lovers!

There are even more reasons to drink coffee than we think of. Did you know that originally coffee had been eaten and not drunk? Coffee had not always been available in liquid form.
History proves that the first African tribes tried to consume coffee in a way during which they grounded the coffee beans, mixed it with animal fat, and then they ate the small balls, made of the mixture. Well, from now on you can sip it!
This is a new method of coffee consuming. With the Quick Coffee magic straws – available in classic, vanilla and caramel flavours-, fascination is guaranteed.
Follow these 2 steps:
1; Place the straw in a glass of milk.
2; Drink the milk through the straw and enjoy it!
The products are made of real coffee extract and only natural additives, in addition, they are gluten-free!
If you are a coffee lover, you must taste this! Put them into cold milk and enjoy the flavours.