The Felföldi Confectionery Company is visiting ISM again.

The Felföldi Confectionery Manufacturer is once again attending the ISM. The plans for the booth are already in place, with products prepared and the team traveling to the exhibition ready to depart. But the question remains: what is the Felföldi Confectionery Manufacturer showcasing at ISM this year?
ISM, also known as the world's largest confectionery expo in Cologne, features 1300 exhibitors presenting their products, coming from 70 different countries. This prestigious event provides an opportunity to forge new partnerships, discover new developments, and represents significant brand value for the participating companies.
The Felföldi Confectionery Manufacturer Ltd. is a regular participant in this continuously growing event. However, significant preparations precede such an occasion, as our booth undergoes renewal each year alongside innovations. In addition to showcasing well-known products, we have prepared new items and flavors for the exhibition!
A lot is at stake at such events. On one hand, there are the exhibitors – the Felföldi Confectionery Manufacturer being one of them – and on the other hand, there are the visitors, who, as agents, distributors, or corporate representatives, are on the hunt for the best products that may later appear on store shelves.
A few days at such a fair can be the venue for hundreds of mini negotiations. It's like the speed-dating center of the business world, where, if there's mutual interest and a "common ground," then comes the exchange of contacts, and after the event, the real courting begins. There's no second chance, so the traveling colleagues have to give their 110% at such an event.