"Towards the Light” with the Felföldi

The Towards the Light Foundation wishes to be a reliable partner of mentally handicapped and people with multiple disabilities during their lifetime at any age.
The foundation’s belief is that they have the right to live a life as per their individual opportunity and needs, and to be treated worthy of man, to learn, to work, tod o sports, to have fun and to be a part of society.
The Towards the Light Foundation guarantees European level social care for mentally handicapped and people with multiple disabilities in all of their operating institutions: in residental homes, in day care and employment centers, furthermore, to grant independent, normalization and integration adjusted way of life.
The Towards the Light Foundation wishes to take part in the implementation of innovative social service forms in Hungary. They strive for being able to build more institutions (residental homes, subsidized apartments) in the future that support the mentally handicapped, physically disabled and people with multiple disabilities as per their needs, and which would operate together under the name of Towards the Light Centrum.
The Towards the Light Foundation admits that this can be achieved only with professional and enthusiastic collegues, with parents who want tod o something for the sake of their children’s future, and with volunteers and supporters who wishes to stand up for the sake of the cause.
Fort he Felföldi Confectionary Ltd. it is also extremely important to support the work of mentally handicapped and people with multiple disabilities. Hence with the help of the Quick Milk moo-cow and the Classic Kitchen product family, the Felföldi supported the foundation’s participation in their campaign.